German Architecture Award 2021

SMAQ receives the German Architecture Prize 2021 for the housing project “Living Together” implemented on behalf of Theo Gerlach housing company in Hanover (Germany). The state prize is awarded every two years for outstanding architectural achievements and is the most important award for architects in Germany.

State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Anne Katrin Bohle: “With the German Architecture Prize, we honor projects that have found particularly pioneering answers to the social issues of our time. This year’s winner is a housing project, that brings together cooperative relation with impressive architectural quality. I congratulate the winners and thank the clients for their commitment.”
Andrea Gebhard, President of the Federal Chamber of Architects: “We have to understand the living spaces that we design as an incubator for a better world. Every building, every quarter, every open space can and must make a contribution. The award-winning project offers a remarkable interlacing of space and open space, place and continuum. This architecture is a great enrichment. Congratulations!”
According to the jury, thanks to the urban coexistence in the inner periphery, the award winner has succeeded in creating an identity-creating location. The building ensemble is well-balanced both in terms of offerings for different users and in the interweaving of private and public spaces. In this way, excellent architecture is exemplary in dealing with social coexistence.
The award ceremony will take place on September 3, 2021 in Berlin.



Further information (in German only):
Pressemitteilung Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (BMI)
Pressemitteilung Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V. (BAK)
Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)

Apartment Building Agnes-Hundoegger-Weg, Hanover, Germany

awards, news