City boids – Caracas, Venezuela

City Boids looks at various phenomena of informal urbanism throughoutCaracassuch as vendors in traffic jams, street vendors, squatter settlements and illegal extensions of newly built condominiums. It describes these actors and practices as ‘urban molecules’, i.e. small elements that arise from similar necessities, which infiltrate and colonize the gaps and failures, the voids in space and time, produced and left over by the ‘formal’ city.

Traditional representational systems are unable to register these intangible practices. City Boids, therefore, develops an intuitive notational system of diagrams in order to represent the specific logics of the self-organized and time-based spatialization processes at hand.


Urban Research, Exhibition and Book
Client: Kulturstiftung des Bundes
City Boids – Molecular Urbanism was conceived during a half year fellowship of CaracasCase, a project initiated by the Federal Cultural Foundation of Germany and the Caracas Urban Think Tank.
Team: Sabine Müller, Andreas Quednau, Marielly Casanova

research, Praxis, urbanism