Monthly Archives: November 2008

Bauwelt 44.08

Environments – Umwelten, Sebastian Spix


SMAQ receives AR AWARD for Emerging Architecture

SMAQ receives prestigious Architectural Review Award for Emerging Architecture 2008 (commended).


Prize / State Garden Exhibition / Löbau, Germany

In the competition for the Landesgartenschau (state garden exhibition) to be held in Löbau in the year 2012 SMAQ receives a third prize for the design done in collaboration with HL Landschaftsarchitekten and Kamel Louafi (both Berlin).


SMAQ receives Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction

SMAQ receives prestigious Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction. November 12 the winners of the Holcim Awards from across region Africa Middle East were announced at a ceremony in Marrakech. Almost 5000 projects from 90 countries were entered in the second Holcim Awards competition. Submissions from Africa Middle East were evaluated by an independent jury hosted [more]