Monthly Archives: January 2005

Informal City – Caracas Case

Urban Practices – Tactical Spatializations


Call me here – Brazzaville/Kinshasa, Republic of the Congo/Demokratic Republic of the Congo

“Call Me Here” is situated in the double capital of Brazzaville and Kinshasa. In an urban agglomeration that lacks all infrastructures, from roads to electricity to water, and from schools to hospitals, the presence and effects of mobile phones is striking. As innumerous individual wall paintings tell, this new equipping of the city is not [more]


Lecture / Rotterdam / Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi)

SMAQ together with Casanova Hernandez Architects are invited to present their work on Monday the 24th of January in the Salon Rotterdam at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi). The evening will be moderated by the director of the NAi, Aaron Betzky.