Tag Archives: Transformation

Student Housing – Aachen, Germany

The extension of the student housing complex in the city centre of Aachen will create a communicative ensemble consisting of a student residence, a garden house and a factory, with a spacious garden at its centre, to which all the new student apartments are oriented via common rooms and access. In the spirit of sustainable [more]


Engine House & Boiler House – Bremen, Germany

Since Kellogg stopped production in Bremen, the new urban quarter Überseeinsel is under development on the former production site between the river Weser and the Europahafen harbour basin. Due to its location on the banks of the river Weser, the former boiler house and machine house of the Kellogg production site will continue to form [more]


Flakes Factory – Bremen, Germany

Since Kellogg stopped production in Bremen, the new city quarter Überseeinsel is in development at the former production site between the Weser and Europahafen. The Flakes Factory forms with the former Machine House & Boiler House an ensemble. Due to its presence on the banks of the river Weser, the Flakes Factory will be an [more]


Central Library of the Future zb+ – Mönchengladbach, Germany

By extending, activating open spaces and opening up, the library acts as an ensemble of spaces with opportunities into the urban space. Taking up the dynamic configuration of the building, the rooftop extension of the reading pavilion gives the library a new presence. As an open ‘agora’ building, the library is complemented by usable outdoor [more]
